I see that your connection to the tailplane pushrod uses two hose clamps
to hold the necessary bracket to the pushrod. - Please advise me - Is this
connection just a friction grip onto the pushrod or is there some hidden
extra to provide a non-slip connection.
JR (Bob) Gowing UK Kit 327 in Oz
----- Original Message -----
From: klaus dietrich
To: MJKTuck@cs.com
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:19 PM
Subject: Europa-List: AUtopilot
I have installed the truetrack AP two years ago with two servos and it wo
rks perfectly!
You can see pictures of the installation here:
If you need further info please call me!
All the best,
Klaus Dietrich
Phone: +43 1 33 777 825 | |
Oracle Financing, EMEA
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