I am one of those mono guys that has been using the scooter wheel since
day one on my Eruopa. Not realizing just how good these little wheel ar
e I purchased several sets from the local sporting goods store thinking
I was going be changing them out frequently. However, after seven years
of flying I am still only on my second pair. These wheels are the 100m
m diameter with abec 5 bearings. I don't know what the hardness of thes
e are however, they seem to be soft. I made my own mouting hardware, ge
tting rid of the Europa bracket. The wheels fit perfectly within the wi
dth of the outrigger leg. The scooter wheels are significantly lighter,
very durable, long lasting, and quite. The lighter weight may even hel
p keep the outriggers from sagging.
Erich Trombley
N28ET Classic Mono 914
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