Agree, =0ANote that the extra nuts are important so that connection doesn't
loosen as the fiberglass relaxes under =0Apressure, which it will.=0AGraham
=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Bud Yerly <budyrly@>=0ATo: Wednesday, 7 April, 2010 2
0:16:53=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: Has anyone run aft battery cables throu
gh footwell?=0A=0A =0AExactly right. Use large brass washers or stai
nless against the =0Afiberglass, then nuts on both sides, then the terminal
(s), lock washers and =0Aplain brass nuts if you like or star washers to as
sure the nuts are tight. =0ACover with a rubber ducky.=0A =0ABud=0A----- O
riginal Message ----- =0A>From: =0A>To: Europa
=0A>Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 2:06 =0A> PM=0A>Subject: Re: Europa-Li
st: Has anyone run =0A> aft battery cables through footwell?=0A>=0A>Hi Bud
=0A>Thx. for the reply.=0A>"I always run the power and =0A> ground from th
e battery, under the door sill, then through the panel via 5/16 =0A> brass
studs for firewall interface." =0A>Do you just drill a 5/16" hole =0A> th
rough firewall and sandwich terminals going to fat wires on top of firewall
? =0A> At least put wide area washers on top of firewall? Or?=0A>Ron Parig