On Apr 8, 2010, at 11:51 AM, Paul McAllister wrote:
> Jeff,
> With everything in your aircraft turned off, place an ammeter in
> series with the battery. It should read zero, if it doesn't then
> you need to start looking for something discharging it.
I put that on my to do test tonight. Thanks
> Another (less likely) scenario is that the battery has an internal
> fault and is self discharging. I have a couple of thoughts on how to
> check this, none of them simple so let me think on it a bit more.
> Question, have you taken it down to somewhere like Batteries Plus
> and had load test. The battery will need to be fully charged first.
No but thats a good idea after I try the other test. Just to busy
today to work on it. Maybe tonight.
Thanks Paul!
> Paul