Frans=0AYes, my mod retained the original Classic push rod, I agree the kno
ck kneed look of the XS cables is ugly. It also overloads the hinges and fl
anges if pilots push on both pedals. (which they sometimes do)=0AFactory ha
ve now taken over my mod and can supply the parts. It is retrofittable but
you will need to fit access panels. Not too big a deal.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A
=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Frans Veldman <frans@priv>=0ATo: Saturday, 20 March, 2
010 15:24:13=0ASubject: Europa-List: Rudden push rod=0A=0A--> Europa-List m
essage posted by: Frans Veldman <>=0A=0AOn 03/20/2010
12:25 PM, GRAHAM SINGLETON wrote:=0A> I too think we need to help Europa f
actory succeed. Those of you who=0A> remember my tail wheel/ rudder drive m
od which reverts to push rod drive=0A> for the rudder will be pleased to no
te that the factory are now=0A> supplying the mod kit. I strongly recommend
this mod as it reduces the=0A> loads on the rudder hinges and flanges.=0A
=0AI remember having seen a Europa classic tri gear with a rudder push rod
=0Arather than the cable setup. I wondered whether this was a classic=0Afea
ture, and why it was abandoned, because my kit came with the (ugly)=0Acable
setup.=0AWas this part of your tailwheel mod?=0AAlthough my Europa is fini
shed, I would still like to see the details=0A(and maybe it is possible to
convert). That starboard external cable and=0Ahorn don't really belong on s