I think that for most efficient flight the incidence of the wing and
tail should be such that at cruise there is no up or down trim on the
or all flying tail.
seems to me that on my aircraft I am holding some down tail to
maintain level flight in cruise, if that is the case slightly less
incidence on the wing would have helped.
Again just going back to model days, to get a model to glide right
was a matter of altering the incidence on the wing or tail or adding
weight to the nose.
But that's about the extent of my aeronautical knowledge, I'm sure
brighter minds can correct this.
On 11-Apr-10, at 3:43 PM, GRAHAM SINGLETON wrote:
> From: Frans Veldman <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, 11 April, 2010 16:59:05
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Effects of Flaps and Ailerons on Pitch Trim
> <>
> But the tail won't move, or the wing, just the fuselage.
> Does an all flying tail have an incidence at all?
> Graham
> On 04/11/2010 05:55 PM, david miller wrote:
> <>
> >
> > Frans,
> >
> > and the incidence of the fuselage will affect the incidence of the
> > tailplane.
> You are right.
> Frans
> _