Here in the USA, all is permitted and there are thousands of homebuilts,
here. Many flying IMC and nighttime. Good luck in your quest.
Jeff - Baby Blue
500+ hours
On 4/23/2010 11:48 AM, Sidsel & Svein Johnsen wrote:
> For over a year EAA Chapter 573 Norway has tried in vain to get our CAA
> to revise their decision 18 months ago to restrict flight with
> Experimental aircraft to only day VMC (i.e. no flying at night or in
> IMC, regardless of the individual aircrafts instrumentation, lights or
> the pilots qualifications). EAA 573 is, however, not a directly
> affected party, so they cannot appeal this decision.
> I therefore decided to file a protest to the Department of
> Transportation for the ruling against my aircraft, as a test case which
> could decide the future for all such aircraft in Norway. At long last,
> the CAA has now brought my appeal before the DoT for decision. Their
> only argument, which I think is a very meek one, is our professional
> opinion at a general level. What does that mean??!! I have the
> opportunity to comment the statements made by the CAA in their
> presentation of the case.
> I therefore ask all of you, in the different countries around the world,
> kindly to give me feedback on the following, at your early convenience:
> In your country, with respect to Experimental class aircraft (in some
> European countries referred to as Annex II aircraft):
> - Is night flight permitted, provided the aircraft has the required
> lamps and lights?
> - Is flying under IMC permitted, provided the aircraft has the required
> instrumentation?
> - Approximately how many aircraft (Experimental/Annex II) are flying in
> your country (not limited to night/IMC-equipped/instrumented), i.e.
> total fleet of homebuilt aircraft?
> For my British friends: Some time ago your organization (I do not recall
> its name) was preparing an appeal against a similar decision by your
> authorities. Did you succeed, or where does this issue stand at the moment?
> Thank you!
> Svein
> *
> *
> Checked by AVG -