I read with interest Rick Stockton's suggestion regarding Bing carbs
on the Jabiru. I'm not near enough to confirm it's the same principal as
those on my 914. However the system seems to parallel the carb on a
smallboat engine called the Seagull which I wrestled with for some years.
The principle is a 'slide' with a needle valve under it which
suction attracts upward, thus exposing more area for fuel to travel in to
the induction path. It's @#$%^&* hard to measure a correct setting for this
arrangement, but once found seemed to me to be impervious to any other
circumstance but one - debris. In my case it was tiny green bits of
waterborne material which slowly jammed the slide to full power position.
Thus full bore she ran well, retard the throttle and she coughed and quit,
Is this the symptom my preceders are experiencing because it seems
similar to what the FAA was saying about the Bing. My solution was to
quickly disassemble the carb and clean out the grunge at regular intervals.
Without that, we'd regularly have to hail a passing gin palace to haul us
back to port. I regularly was reminded what I should have done - I'm
Cheers and comments welcomed,
Europa A064 90%done, 30% to go