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Re: Europa-List: Outrigger leg failure

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Outrigger leg failure
From: Kevin Klinefelter <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 11:47:22

  Twas not me who suggested use of MDS-filled nylon 6/6 rod...I know 
nothing of its properties.

  I think it was Erich Trombley that said he was using the above...

  Re: wheels...I'm not familiar w/ "Easy-Rolls", but the 100 or 105 mm 
skate (or scooter) wheels spin silently advised that when 
buying them you will enter the world of ABEC ratings for various 
bearings...I opted for #9s but you can go for the ceramics for a few 
more bucks...I bought my inline wheels online at,,,bushes 
are also available to enable fitting within the SS forks.

  Thanks for that link, they have good service and reasonable prices.

  Related comment: From Kevin's drawing, he's apparently mastered the 
art of machining the factory-stock nylon rod...I had a devil of a time 
turning down my rods so that they might fit into the OR 1s. 

  I am fortunate to have a friend close by with a lathe and a milling 
machine in his garage. He made the drawing and turned the rod into the 
part drawn. I plan to get with him on drawing up new slim forks for the 
skate wheels to go with the 5/8" fiberglass legs.


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