Of course the Europa tailplanes are fully balanced aerodynamically, so are
tailplanes. I can't think of tailplanes with an aerodynamical design
providing lift. This aerodynamical balance has nothing to do with the discussion
here. The anti-TRIM-tabs on the Europa will deflect the whole tailplane, if
not neutral, the trimtabs on a conventional elevator will deflect the elevator
if not neutral. Why this varying deflection is needed has been mentioned in
this thread before and i will not start repeating facts. If you really think the
Europa does not need trim, well, fix the tabs :-) And eat a few burgers extra,
because it will be a muscle exercise. And, oh, the ANTI part of the equasion
is to add resistance to the feel an the stick, to prevent pilots from breaking
things. How that works has also been excellently explained previously.
I am very sorry to read that you disagree of most of my simple message, and in
a very long message fail to tell me why.
Jos Okhuijsen.
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