Tony=0Abuy a pair of Fred Klein's, they are the best imho. Fred?=0AGraham
=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Tony Renshaw <tonyr>=0ATo: Tuesday, 1 Jun
e, 2010 9:33:57=0ASubject: Europa-List: Europa Making Unauthorised Transact
Tony Renshaw <>=0A=0AGidday, again,=0AI have asked
, days ago, for a price on a set of wing to fuse fairings. Not much point h
aving "shelf stock" if you don't reply to people that want to buy parts !!!
=0AAny heads up on a Europa e-mail address that guarantees a reply, even a
utomated like mature websites/e-mail handlers? =0AI air these grievances to
attempt to inspire pressure to build on Europa to lift its game, and treat
us better. I have an Aussie mate that wants simple hardware componentry to
complete his kit after losing a lot of it through recent events, parts he
could have easily bought from other suppliers. His loyalty to Europa, at a
financial cost to him, has been met by the ignoring of his e-mail requests
to clarify costs/charges, but, like me, he has been told that his parts ha
ve been me, means he is probably up for anot
her charge. I think we should act like union members and threaten our emplo
yer to the removal of our services until they respect us and treat us appro