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Re: Europa-List: Piano hinge for cowling

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Piano hinge for cowling
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 22:40:29
Jim=0Awhy don't you put release wax on the other hinge half and the pin, as
semble the hinge, then flox it on? That way you shouldn't need any filing.
=0AIn fact I might suiggest clecoing both halves first, then flox them on i
n turn.=0AWhen you flox the halves on I would use the screw type Skin Pins 
and not screw them up too tight. Don't rivet until the flox has cured or th
e hinge will be distorted.=0AGraham=0Adigging around in dilute memories=0A
=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: "
t" <>=0ATo: Wednesd
ay, 16 June, 2010 22:30:29=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: Piano hinge for cowl
ing=0A=0A=0ARick-=0A =0AI just started mine today, same setup.  I set up on
e half of the hinges on the lower cowling.  I first drilled 1/8 every 2 inc
hes in the hinge material the cowl about 1/8 (thickness of a tongue depress
or) from the edge of the from the edge.  I clekoed the lower half of the hi
nge in and tomorrow will put some flox on the cowling and use 1/8 pop rivet
s to attach the lower half of the hinge.  After it sets, I will file it a l
ittle to permit the upper half to go into it.  =0A =0AIf questions, call on
 my cell:  941-875-5684.=0A =0AJim Puglise A-283   =0A----- Original Messag
e -----=0AFrom: "AirEupora" <>=0ATo: europa-list@mat Monday, June 14, 2010 3:59:27 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Ea
stern=0ASubject: Europa-List: Piano hinge for cowling=0A=0A--> Europa-List 
message posted by: "AirEupora" <>=0A=0AI have the Ca
nadian cowling for the Jabiru engine and was wanting to use Piano hinge for
 the side.  I put the two pieces together and cleoed the hinge in place the
n glassed it in.  After all four pieces dried I had a hell of a time to get
 the two cowl to come together.  =0A=0AWhat did I do wrong.  I'm thinking t
hat I'm going to have cut the two hinges in the top cowl out and re-applied
 glass to them once I have the cowl back in place.  =0A=0ARick Stockton=0AA
210 60-70%=0AEngine installed, cowling almost complete=0Awiring complete=0A
Wind screen to go=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this topic online here:=0A=0Ahttp://fo
s: =0A=0A
=0A=0A=0A=0A                 -Matt Dralle,===========

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