>>I just found this in some other information package as well. Trouble is
that the Norwegian AIP says otherwise (or I have misinterpreted it).
Here is the direct link to the Directorate of Customs' own web page
containing all the necessary details:
The flight plan may be sent by fax to: +47 22 86 08 00
or as an e-mail attachment (or summarized in the e-mail text) to:
or called in to telephone number: +47 22 17 18 17 if time or available
fascilities do not make fax or e-mail practical (as when the flight plan has
been called in to the AIS by telephone or time between filing the flight
plan and ETA is shorter than the prescribed 4 hours (I did this two weeks
ago when flying home from Denmark, no problem at all).
I can assure you that this simple procedure is still in force - I have used
it twice for leaving Norway and twice for re-entering this summer, most
recently two weeks ago.
Here is a good source for VFR flying in Norway, issued by our CAA:
Here you will also find (p. 31) the simple procedure for flying in and out
of smaller aerodromes not having customs service, if flying from/to an
aerodrome in a Schengen country. There is an unfortunate statement at the
applies to aircraft holding a normal EASA type certificate. I have a year
ago made our CAA aware that this special customs procedure also applies to
homebuilt aircraft, but they have not bothered to correct it (there is no
2010 issue - yet).
The entering/leaving/customs stipulations on p. 32 do not apply if you come
---From or fly to a Scehngen country. The language is unclear here and may
cause confusion as to whether p.32 applies regardless, but it only comes
into effect if you do not come from or fly to a Schengen country.
>>But Norway, it isn't a Schengen country, is it?
Norway is a Schengen country. Maybe you are thinking of EU, which we are
not a member of.
In another mail a day or two ago you asked about an island between Denmark
and Sweden with an airstrip. There are actually (at least) two such
islands, Anholt (EKAT)and Ls (Laesoe) EKLS. I have not been to Anholt,
but can recommend Ls very highly. We had a small Nordic Europa fly-in
there in May this year. Although camping by the aircraft is not generally
permitted, we got permission. There is a nice club house with good
facilities (no shower, though) which you should be able to get the key to.
Good bikes are available for rent by prior arrangement (the aerodrome is
unattended). Ls is a most charming island. Bring a good map of the roads
to get to the places with shops and restuarants - there are no terrain
features to navigate by (just like in Holland!).
>>Hey, I thought you are Swedish. Your airplane, doesn't it have a Swedish
call sign, or do I confuse you with someone else?
Our union with Sweden ended in 1905! My airplane call sign is LN-SKJ - La
Norvge (by coincidence, it was our turn in the alphabet!)