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Re: Europa-List: Firewall material vs Canada "fireproof material" airwor

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Firewall material vs Canada "fireproof material" airworthiness
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 22:59:30

Dave=0AImho the Skydrive carb heat is the only sensible way to go. Similarl
y an Andair or equivalent quality gascolator is also the only sensible way 
to go, really you need two gascolators, which is expensive, but I would go 
with one and a Purolator one in the reserve line. Then it is easy to check 
for water and muck before every day's flying. which (other people's) experi
ence tells us is a vital action.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A___________________
_____________=0AFrom: david miller <>=0ATo: europa-li Wednesday, 23 June, 2010 22:54:46=0ASubject: Re: E
uropa-List: Firewall material vs Canada "fireproof material"   airworthines
s requirement=0A=0ALuc,=0A=0AThe skydrive installation is a minor job, if a
ll goes well, but the tolerances are very tight and when I did mine I was v
ery relieved that the=0Aunit did not get stuck half way. =0A=0AI don't thin
k you need a gascolator, but would recommend fitting one.=0A=0ADave    

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