You do not need your tin hat.
G-IANI has the same set up as G-JULZ and although not perfect it works very
well. G-IRON has the serial pump setup which is no better, costs a lot more
and takes up more space.
My only contribution is that I have self sealing quick release connectors on
the system (see the attached picture). This allows the whole thing to be
removed without fuel going every ware.
These connectors are not available from the usual sources (Europa and Demon
Tweeks) as they are 5/16. You have to get them from a specialist and the
details are below
Tom Parker Limited Web site www.tom-parker.co.uk
Each connector consists of a cPLCD17005V coupling and a cPLCD2205 insert.
Both are self sealing
Ian Rickard G-IANI XS Trigear, 300hours
Europa Club Mods Specialist
e-mail g-iani@ntlworld.com