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RE: Europa-List: Differences between classic and XS

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Differences between classic and XS
From: Karl Heindl <>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:35:07

My advice would be to find another Europa owner who built his own (ideally 
Kim Prout)=2C offer to pay his expenses=2C and get him to do an inspection.
The main  difference is in the wings. Baggage bay extension with weight upg
rade is available as a retrofit from the factory.Why not fly it back to Alb
erta ?

> Subject: Europa-List: Differences between classic and XS
> From:
> Date: Thu=2C 26 Aug 2010 21:44:26 -0700
> To:
> Hi everyone=2C
> I have been looking at purchasing a europa but would like to know what th
e differences are between the classic and xs? There is a classic that has b
een converted to an xs except the baggage area. What exactly are the change
s? How big is the baggage area in the classic? Also=2C is there any problem
s with transporting the plane on the trailer for say 2100 KM? The plane I'm
 interested in is on Barnstormers=2C link is
me.html. Does anyone out there know this plane? Apparently it was built in 
Calgary=2C AB=2C Canada and the current owner is in California. I'm in Albe
rta also so would like to transport it home on the trailer if possible. Wha
t should a person look for when inspecting?
> Thanks=2C
> Tony
> --------
> Tony B.
> Kolb MKIII C
> Rotax 582
> C Gearbox 3.00:1
> WD 66&quot=3B 3 Blade Prop
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