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Re: Europa-List: Cooling modifications

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Cooling modifications
From: Frans Veldman <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 15:40:12

On 08/30/2010 01:52 PM, Guerner Remi wrote:

> A major problem with the cooling system on the Europa is overheating on
> the ground, which leads to boil over, unless you are using the Evans stuff.
> Have you done any testing simulating a long wait at the holding point in
> the summer heat? Is your CHT stabilizing in these conditions?

It appears the CHT is stabilizing well before the red line, also in
summer conditions in France. Again the major contributor was destacking
the radiators, so that a reasonable airflow is possible even with just
prop wash.
Another important thing is that the air inlet is much lower on the
cowling, where the prop wash is more significant.
Also my cowl flap design is helpfull: fully open it creates a low
pressure area at the air outlet.
And finally, I built an exhaust augmentor that uses the exhaust to
extract air from the cowling.


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