Hello all, I have a user on EuropaOwners that is building a simulator out of XS
Trigear G-BWGH shell. His post can be found here:
Pictures here:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... a14a112000
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... f6a0dc3948
Here's his last post looking for information, if you can help him out please
on EuropaOwners, Thanks.
Hey Steve,
thanks again for your interest. I was wondering if you might be able to help me
out. I've just started fine tuning the flight model on my own personal computer,
ready for when the sim computers arrive. Would you be able to supply me with
any of the following pieces of information, i realize that some are specific
to each individual aircraft, but just the 'average' aircraft is fine for what
i want:
- Performance figures, i.e Power Setting, Rate of Climb and Airspeed, for a few
different power settings
- The different flap settings, how many settings are there normally, and to what
angles are these settings?
- The pitch range of the blades on the prop (constant speed), e.g. from 14
to 40 degrees
Any of this information would be much appreciated, i'll let you know if there's
anything else i need as-well
Thanks in advance for any help,
Visit - www.EuropaOwners.org