Fergus=0AI hope you are airborne next year! Me too! If I were in the US I d
efinitely =0Awould fly to the Europa RR in my Long EZ, after all I have don
e the reverse. =0A(Flew to RR EZ gathering in Paul's Europa, RH seat of cou
rse).=0A=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Fergus K
yle <VE3LVO@rac.ca>=0ATo: 5EUROPALIST <europa-list@matronics.com>=0ASent:
Sunday, 5 September, 2010 21:13:38=0ASubject: Europa-List: RE: Rough River
- There's always ONE guy=0A=0ARE: Rough River - There's always ONE guy =0A
....and it=99s me.=0AAs one of the senior builders (began23MAY
97) I take it upon my shoulders to =0Asuggest we of the unwashed are seriou
sly angry about you not waitingfor us to =0Afinishbeforesoaringoff on these
auspicious lecture series.=0A Thus I suggest if Bud and others are
going to release previously =0AsecretHints andKinks, thateitherthe Head Bag
el or the lecturer himself prepare a =0Apaperon themfor distribution later
=93so that a formal CliqueOf Cognoscienti does =0Anot form when we
=99re not ready. We would still be drawn to future gatherings at =0ARR b
ecause second-hand info is still a deterrent but necessaryat present.=0AAs
a sign of sincerity,I will promise to be the scribe next year (hoping to be
=== =0A