Attention Will Daniels.
Hi! Will.
I think it should be said that the picture shown by Ian Rickard does comply
with the fuel flow diagram suggested by the Europa Engineers and can be
worked entirely by rubber pipes therefore excluding the specially made
manifold as shown.
However mine is the same in modular form but for the fact that my filters on
G-PTAG consist of two Mini-Andair Gascolators situated between the module
and the tank exits. and arranged to allow easy sampling from the belly of
the aircraft of both gascolators. Also I have the Graham Singleton tank
connectors which easily facilitate water drains from each side of the saddle
However from bitter experience I have also incorporated a tank top access
panel (allowing annual inspection and mop out capability) whilst fitting the
fuel depth gauge.
Care needs exercising as to how the two pumps are circuited for power to
ensure real redundancy Also the positioning of diodes on each pump is very
Best regards
Bob Harrison. G-PTAG
[] On Behalf Of G-IANI
Sent: 06 September 2010 22:27
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Batteries and fuel systems
Attached is a picture of the fuel pump setup for G-IRON
Ian Rickard G-IANI XS Trigear, 300hours
Europa Club Mods Specialist
[] On Behalf Of William Daniell
Sent: 06 September 2010 21:34
Subject: Europa-List: Batteries and fuel systems
Two questions for the assembled wisdom
1. Has anyone installed a larger battery with the 914 on the basis that
you might need to run the fuel pumps off it if the alternator gives up?
2. Does anyone have a pic of their fuel pump installation/fuel system?
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