Bob's right. This has been a common problem over the years. Use the AN115
: Robert Borger <>=0ATo:
Sunday, 12 September, 2010 23:58:21=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: Tail wheel
rger <>=0A=0ARemi,=0A=0ALoose the clips! Replace them with
AN115 Cable Shackles, Clevis Pins and a =0ACotter Pins (split pin).=0A=0Ah
catalog/hapages/cotterpins.php=0A=0ACheck six,=0ABob Borger=0A XS, Short Wing, Intercooled Rotax 914=0Arlbo 817-992-1117=0A=0A=0A=0A=0AOn Sep 12, 2010, at 12:18 PM
, Guerner Remi wrote:=0A=0A> Hi all monowheel drivers,=0A> =0A> After landi
ng on a mountain strip today I noticed I had some trouble =0A>controlling t
he aircraft on roll out and tight turning on the parking. The next =0A>lan
ding on another altiport was uneventful but again I had trouble tight turni
ng =0A>to the parking spot.=0A> During the preflight check for the return f
light, this is what I found: the =0A>starboard ring attaching the cable of
the tailwheel fork was open and was barely =0A>insuring a very loose conne
ction. See attached picture.=0A> I am afraid that if that ring had become f
ully disconnected, I would have =0A>crashed into the wall of rocks on the l
eft side of that runway!=0A> Lesson learned: check that tailwheel control c
ables carefully before EVERY =0A>takeoff.=0A> Of course I am thinking at so
me solution to insure a safer connection of those =0A>cables.=0A> =0A> Remi