Hi Dave
First check for a clogged air filter, but I kinda think the black on plugs may
not be telling you the real problem.
Off the cuff it sounds like he is running out of gas.
Does he have a differential fuel pressure gauge? Does turning on second fuel
I suspect it may be as simple as having a clogged fuel filter/s or gasculator/s.
Also check the fuel tank vent for clogging.
Could be the outlet/s of fuel tank are clogged? does turning to reserve help?
Try a check for differential fuel pressure as per Rotax manual, also look up
FWF and check their cheat the fuel pressure regulator to thinking you are
at high altitude and measuring fuel flow.
When was last time carbs were looked at? To be safe make sure you change float
bowl gaskets which you can have leak pressure and cause this sort of thing, but
if you can't have a look at jets and clean them.
Look very careful at plumbing little lines going to carb and fuel pressure
for cracks, splits and kinks.
If cowl is off have a look for broken / leaking exhaust and no soot on exterior
of carbs.
I will have my cell phone on today 631-839-3636 after about noon.
One more thing, if you never cleaned the sock filters in the fuel pump intake
them perhaps dirty.
Report back on findings and I will add that to equation.
Good luck.
Ron Parigoris
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