Does anyone else have this problem? I don't know what causes it=0AGraham=0A
=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Tony Renshaw <tonyrens>=0ATo: Wednesday, 15 Sep
tember, 2010 9:16:18=0ASubject: Europa-List: Mixed up text in GS messages..>=0A=0AGidday,=0AAny ideas why Grahams messages always a
ppear to me as below?? They are always =0Aworthy of a read, but the present
ation is becoming annoying. =0A=0AReg=0ATony Renshaw=0A=0A=0AOn 15/09/2010,
US=0A> From: GRAHAM SINGLETON <>=0A> Subject:
Re: Europa-List: Re: Tail wheel control cables attachment=0A> =0A> Ron & R
emi=0Adon't forget that its better to bend the tailwheel stop than b=0A>
end the leg. =0AThat's why I used soft aluminum=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A
=0A=0A=0A_=0A> _______________________________=0AFrom: rparigoris <
rparigor@suffolk.lib.ny=0A> .us>=0ATo:
: Tuesday, 14 September, 2010 6:=0A> 17:36=0ASubject: Europa-List: Re: Ta
il wheel control cables attachment=0A=0A> .us>=0A=0AHi Remi=0A=0A
When I mentioned I "ripped off" Grahams designed of =0A> his tailwheel stop
, I meant =0Athat I copied his design.=0A=0AI did in fact=0A> fabrica
te it from 7075 Aluminium that is quite robust.=0A=0Ahttp://www.mcm=0A>
orums=0A> /gallery2.php?g2_itemId=28015=0A=0Ahttp://www.europaowners.
org/forums/gal=0A> lery2.php?g2_itemId=28009=0A=0AWhat material did y
ou make your stop from?=0A> =0A=0ARon Parigoris=0A=0A=0A=0A=0
ARead this topic online here:=0A=0Ahttp://=0A>
wtopic.php?p=312370#312370=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A> ==