Thank you for putting the event was fantastic. Kim, Kevi
n, and myself all made it home safely today. Bob is down in Florida vi
siting with some old buddies of his. As Fred stated the Europa was des
igned for trips like ours. We had strong head winds which precluded us
from making the trip back in two days. Although, our stay in Winslow,
AZ last night was too funny. We were offered a courtesy car which the
line man stated was donated to the FBO. It was a blue1981 Plymouth Re
liant K station wagon. We were informed that the car was not insured a
nd didn't have current registration or plates. However, not to worry,
everyone in town knows the vehicle. What a hoot. We kept thinking of
the Eagles song "Take it Easy."
Thanks to everyone who was able to attend the event. It sure was nice
to finally put faces with so, so many names on this great forum.
Erich Trombley
N28ET Classic Mono 914
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