Thanks to those who supplied me with informations on this subject. To
Bud: I'm aware of the additional parts spelled out in the Installations
manual, I also have installed a fuel pressure instrument - otherwise i
wouldn't have detected my problem (too high fuel pressure)!
My issue was the lack of coherence between the installations and
operations manuals. (To give the builder an advice of an indicator
system which "is nice to have" in one, while the other spells out danger
if you experience a condition you would know nothing about - if you did
not follow the advice).
Now - this is not the airlines (my background), but I'm pretty sure
they would detect and correct such a mismatch immediately.
This is definitely a safety related issue and should be adressed by
Rotax the sooner the better (to ammend the istallations manual to
REQUIRE a fuel pressure indications system).
As to my problem: I sorted it yesterday. It was of course a pinched hose
in there, and it was quite a feat to repair it! Now everything is nice
and green again.
Hans, LN-HJD, #334