Graeme, the original design was for the caliper to hang down at about 90 deg to
the swinging arm. Problem with that was if you got a puncture it would damage
it. The later design is (as you say) for the caliper to be more or less in
line with the swinging arm. Bit more aerodynamic too.
To achieve the new position the caliper mounting/ back plate angle is changed
sadly the three bolt holes in the plate are not compatible - as you said,
the old plate puts the caliper too high up. It needs to rotate about
90 deg but the holes are of course 120 deg apart. Best thing is to buy a new
plate from the factory which will have the new hole pattern. I did that some
years ago and fitted it when I next had the wheel out - 5 minute job with the
wheel out. I don't remember it costing too much. I don't know if it's possible
to re-drill the old one - I didn't bother. It might be the holes would be
too close, even overlapping??
Classic Mono
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