I have flown in mountain wave in a valley in the pyrenees. It was bad, my wi
fe cried! I hope i never test the plane like that again. But the plane was a
nd is fine.
On 25 Jan 2011, at 12:39, "William Daniell" <wdaniell@etb.net.co> wrote:
> Here is a question with respect to this topic =93 albeit a bit of a s
ensitive one. But maybe it is the acid test.
> Is there any experience of this part of the aircraft failing apart?
=93 I have heard of other failures but not any failures in this bit.
> I assume that we have experience on the forum of extreme stress on the air
frame amongst the forum members whether deliberately or as a result of turbu
> So I guess the question is =9Cdoes it work in practice?=9D
> Will
> From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com [mailto:owner-europa-list-ser
ver@matronics.com] On Behalf Of GRAHAM SINGLETON
> Sent: 25 January, 2011 05:11
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Re: Main wing bushings
> Anyone chat with them at the Dinner?
> Graham
> From: flyingphil2 <ptiller@lolacars.com>
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Sent: Tuesday, 25 January, 2011 10:03:43
> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Main wing bushings
> All this talk of taildraggers has got me interested now .....
> The new owners of Europa use FEA. Also, I believe that they have scanned s
ome or all of the aircraft. They would therefore be the best people to do t
his if they were motivated.
> Alternatively, this could be achieved through other channels if they were p
repared to release the CAD data. It's up them really.