Hi Graham,
In my book, extra firewall insulation and additional painting are optional
extras. I think the old adage says " when deciding if an optional item is
worth fitting, toss it in the air and if it falls to the ground it is too
heavy to fit" Weight is the real enemy of aircraft performance.
I learned this the hard way and have lots of nice extras, but my wife can
take hardly any baggage on our trips. My stuff is essential, of course.
Brian Davies
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of graeme bird
Sent: 02 February 2011 18:24
Subject: Europa-List: painting a plated engine mount frame
my FWFD kit from europa as well as other manufactured parts that have
arrived recently are plated with cadmium or something similar- bits like the
engine mount frame. Can anyone tell me if I should paint these and if so, is
it ok to use the normal aircraft metal etch primer. I would then add the
normal two pack poly paints.
ALSO, I am still not clear whether it would be a good idea to coat the
firewall GRP with sticky backed foil/insulation or foil of somekind, I have
seen something like this in some of the pictures.
Help appreciated.
Graeme Bird
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