Hi Jeff,
My wife Christine and I are planning to attend in our Classic Europa
C-GIET from our base at Pemberton, B.C.
Please inform me as to who I should contact re. cabin reservation. We
may want to stay for an extra day or two.
Peter Timm
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 10:32 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Rough Attendance Report #2
Rough River Attendance Report for September 3rd & 4th.
: http://www.airnav.com/airport/2I3
Bob & Maureen Borger... Flying Dragon Lady N914XL in from Corinth TX
Jim & Lynne Puglise... Doing his best to fly N283JL Jabiru up from Punta
Gorda FL.
Jeff & Mary Behrens... Flying Baby Blue in from Baton Rough LA
Jeff & Karen Roberts... Flying Gold Rush in from Nashville Tennessee.
Gary & Susan Leinberger... Flying in the Mooney 3619N from Lancaster PA.
Fred Klein... Flying the Big Iron, for now from Orcas Island Washington
Troy & Donna Maynor... Flying Little Grace N120EU in from Weaverville
Paul & Jenny McAllister... Flying in Mono N378PJ AKA Blinky from KUES
Jim & Heather Butcher... Flying N241BW from Kalamazoo, MI.
Bud Yearly ... Flying his Trigear up from Plant City FL. With a
different prop...?
HI all,
If you see anything on the list that needs correcting please let me know
off list and I'll take care of it. If you're not on the list please let
me know the info needed and we'll get you on. If you haven't made plans
to be there yet well... Lets get to it! ;o) Rough River is one of the
nicest state parks in the USA that has a runway. This is Labor day
weekend folks. Rooms & Cabins are not going to last. Oh well... remember
you can bring a tent at last resort. I have placed an order for nice
weather and will continue to do so till the event. However should we be
tested and not get it... no problem. After all it's the people getting
together once a year that mostly makes this event so special. Make your
plans to be there either way. You west cost guys & gals. Having you
there last year made a big difference. You showed the Europa is the best
touring, economy, speedy, and great looking / sexy plane out there.
Wanna come back over to play again this year?