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RE: Europa-List: Help a brother out? Info request

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Help a brother out? Info request
From: nigel henry <>
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 10:41:26

Hi Kevin=2C               I'm up in Oxford=2C but often down in Poole saili
ng. I have a Europa all in bits and just re validating my licence and have 
been flying off and on since 18 now 56 ! Is it that long !! I also have aLo
ng ez.   I have been in contact with Europa and have to say slow to respond
 but told that kits and parts are available off the shelf.
 I am changing the undercarriage to trigear and 914 Rotax turbo engine with
 a wood comp prop  All agents from all three companies responded and forwar
ded details as requested. 
I like you am a little concerned about the level of activity on the Forums 
and general interest in Europa aircraft=2C I put it down to the lull before
 the storm! Boating and sailing is the same this is obvious by the lack of 
support by customers at the boat shows. little or no spare money and worrie
d about the economic climate  Great time to buy a plane or build one! 
The  Europa is ..... in my view the best 2 seater light aircraft for the UK
 Market  and my reasons are simple to built to a high standard and options 
of engines=2C Rotax in my view as the best option engine on the market for 
Europa and three or four prop options.  I can confirm after flying 19+ diff
erent types of light singles over the years=2C Europa in the currant and fu
ture market will continue to be a favored mount of many!  How many Light ai
rcraft can be taken home on a trailer and kept in a garage ? Till the next 
flight ? I don't encourage strip downs between flights=2C but it is an opti
on to take it home and do repairs services and mods in the comfort of your 
own garage so you can cook dinner and do the washing=2C hoovering and the i
roning all at the same time=2C Us guys must multi-task with man options! 

Excellent support also from the LAA and its website.  Contact Andy Draper I
n Engineering He is X Europa Aircraft and a great knowledge on all matters 
light aircraft and aspects of and I have found him always willing to help a
nd always enthusiastic.  Also fellow members once contacted.  Join the Euro
pa club it will give you a list of members local to you=2C builders as well
 as flyers on their data base but like Europa Aircraft it is a little slow 
to update its data as it's all run by Owners/builders who all have jobs or 
don't need the contact or support as their planes are flying or still in bi
ts or got board with the idea/dream of building a Europa=2C I'm sure there 
are a few kits in garages and enough parts to build 10 more ! Laying around
Also buy the CD   A plane is born where Mark Evens builds a Europa. Its a f
un light hearted film that is useful and covers the Europa well and other m
arques of PFA / LAA aircraft  with Cameo appearances from Andy Draper and o
thers who are still very involved in Light Aviation.
If you want a chat or meet up  give me a call Mobile  07942 923823  Home 01
865 727660 email i retired early so around in the daytime

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Help a brother out? Info request
Date: Sat=2C 5 Mar 2011 07:43:40 +0000

There are a few Europa's at Laddingford which is not to far away from Eastb
ourne. Tell him to email me and arrange a date to visit. I have a tri gear.


On 5 Mar 2011=2C at 02:10=2C Steve Dunsmuir <> wrote

Hi Folks=2CGot the following posting on EuropaOwners. If anyone can help Ri
chard out please swing by and post a reply. If you don't want to post you c
an email him=2C follow the bellow link and click his email button. I didn't
 want to repost his email address without permission. Thanks=2C Steved
*****************************I am in the process of finishing my PPL and am
 interested in buying a Europa tri-gear to build at home. So far I have ema
iled Europa four times and phoned once in a effort to get some info on were
 I can see a Europa in the Flesh=2C so far Europa has not made contact with
 me. I lived in Eastbourne=2C East Sussex. UK Can anyone help me or know of
 any shows that a Europa Plane may be so I can get a closer look? Also the 
lack of contact from Europa is a bit worrying=2C is anying having a problem
 getting help from Europa with problems once you have purchased a Plane fro
m them.Richard******************************Link to Post:http://www.europao



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