Graem=0Ayou're right, its too heavy. It does tend to allow the smell to get
into the =0Aairplane too. Swap it for a solid aluminium one of you can, ju
st use the rubber =0Abends to joint the ally. Or of course buy the plastic
"cobra" and use that. =0A=0AI would also recommend using an solid Al breath
er pipe and ground it, then it =0Awon't behave like a Van De Graaf generato
r and generate sparks when vapour and =0Adrops of fuel rush up the breather
while filling.=0AOne refueling fire due to this, G-**DP after a flight on
a hot dry day in =0AGermany. I suspect the spark went from the breather met
al tube to the metal =0Afunnel which was grounded by Jens@ hand. He got bur
nt but fortunately not as =0Abadly as -DP.=0ABTW the breather pipe is too s
mall, this is why it takes so long to fill a =0AClassic Europa, the XS isn'
t a lot better.=0AGraham=0Aapologies for ranting, my friend makes me cross
occasionally. ( I have been =0Aknown to annoy him too)=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A___
_____________________________=0AFrom: graeme bird <>=0ATo
: Saturday, 19 March, 2011 22:51:27=0ASub
ject: Europa-List: Old Style Fuel Pipe=0A=0A--> Europa-List message posted
by: "graeme bird" <>=0A=0AI have the old style rubber lon
g fuel fill pipe in my build though its the later =0Atype. I see this was c
hanged for the plastic side filler. Is there anything =0Ainherently wrong w
ith the old one (though its heavy ish)?=0A=0A--------=0AGraeme Bird=0AG-UMP
Y=0AMono Classic/XS FWFD 912ULS/Warp drive FP=0ABuild nearing completion=0A
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