Hi Folks,
Here is a message from Nigel Charles, until recently a leading light in
the Europa community,
Cheers, Paddy
> We appreciate that the Europa Club already run a self help breakdown
service for club members however take a look at these system we are
setting up below. It can run in parallel with the Europa Club system,
costs nothing and will in due course greatly increase the number of
people who could offer help in the event of breakdown away from home
base. Very often, as I found out once with my Europa, the help ends up
coming from someone who is not a club member anyway. We need all the
help we can get in such situations.
> We are launching a new website called =91Stranded Flyer=92. This
website is designed to provide pilots and GA enthusiasts with a self
help facility. There are times when we could all do with some assistance
away from home base whether due to aircraft unserviceability, weather or
for any other reason that precludes flying the aircraft back to its home
airfield. The idea is that anyone who would like to receive assistance
also makes themselves contactable in case they can assist another pilot
in difficulty.
> The initial trial to ensure the system functions has gone well so we
are now opening it up to everyone. There will be a news item about this
website in the next edition of Flyer magazine due out on Friday. To help
us get things going we are emailing our GA friends to ask for help to
start populating the list. This could ultimately be of help to you and
all registered pilots and costs nothing. If you would like to join
=91Stranded Flyer=92 please go to
https://sites.google.com/site/strandedflyer2/ and register as a helper.
Once registered you will be able to view the map showing pin markers for
other members. Your own pin will then be added within the following few
> If you like the site please spread the word. The wider the coverage
the better the service. We appreciate any feedback you might have.
General comments can be sent to us at strandedflyer@gmail.com.
> Regards
> Nigel Charles and Tony Oliver
Paddy Clarke
Europa G-KIMM