Hello all,
We had quite a scare at Sun 'n Fun today. A small tornado moved over
the Sun 'n fun campus this morning. Luckily Ed Pellenz (one of the
techs at Custom Flight) was at Plant City Airport, and he texted me that
a tornado hit there and was coming toward us. I could see the rain
wrapped cloud approaching and I evacuated the Europa Tent, warned other
venders and we all ran into the main hangars. Moments later, winds,
hail and rain hit. I watched with concern as a strong straight line
wind I estimate as 75 plus mph hit the vender area. Just as it seemed
to subside, the tornadic winds hit. Our buildings roof was damaged and
leaking, and significant small hail began and then extremely strong
winds and rain hit outside the hangar I can only guess at the speed.
I watched helplessly as the Phillips Petroleum tent smashed into my site
area. The air was filled with tents, parts and debris typical of a
A few folks took shelter in tents, which collapsed and minor injuries
were reported. Soon the storm subsided and we surveyed the area for
venders and anyone who was caught out in that mess. The area was full
of gasoline fumes from the overturned and shredded aircraft and
assistance was rendered where necessary. All the participants were
fortunate enough that the only injuries sustained were from falling
ceiling pieces or tent frame collapses.
I will try to send photo's from my phone below. They are poor as it
was, and still is, raining and stormy.
Many aircraft have been lost or damaged and many of the outdoor displays
were damaged.
Thankfully Jeff Beheren's was closely monitoring the radar and had
helped make the decision earlier this morning that all the owners with
him and Steve Pitt would stay put until the storms passed. We are all
well, and we should be able to get back into the site on Friday and
begin cleanup.
Please don't email or call as we are all fine, Baby Blue seems to have
rode out the storm with only superficial paint damage. N12AY has only
rudder damage, and 419PL has vertical fin, and stab damage. So far so
good. Full inspections must be made though.
Tornados are very finicky They left Baby Blue intact with 4 aircraft
within 100 feet all destroyed or damaged. My aircraft spun around and
suffered only rudder damage, and the vintage Waco's across from me are
fine, but on either side of them and us, is devastation. 200 feet away,
Zenith lost 5 aircraft or have had them severely damaged when flipped
It looks like there will be much work for the insurance companies.
Sorry this didn't go out sooner, it appears the photos may be the
----- Original Message -----
From: PITT STEVEN<mailto:steven.pitt2@ntlworld.com>
To: europa-list@matronics.com<mailto:europa-list@matronics.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Sun and Fun hit by Tornado today
We tried to get to the airport today but we were turned away by downed
power lines. We have seen the damage reports, some of which are true and
we will be attempting to be at Sun'n'Fun if the authorities allow.
Steve Pitt, Nigel Graham, Diane and Terry Greaves, Jeff and Mary
On 31 March 2011 20:15, rampil
<ira.rampil@gmail.com<mailto:ira.rampil@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi All,
Any word on the safety of our friends in Lakeland?
I saw a photo of the Zenith display area: totally smashed, and it is
usually right across from the traditional Europa Display.
The Zenith Area area is where Bob and Russell of FlightCrafters
usually are sited.
The tornado apparently started in Clearwater and ran at least 60 mi
due east
Ira N224XS
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Matt Dralle, List Admin.