Graeme=0Awhy try to drag your nice modern Europa back into the steam age? G
o solid state =0Aelectronic, lighter, more reliable and without adding a la
rge piece of built in =0Aheadwind.=0AThe time when you need an AH may well
include icing conditions, poor light et =0Aal.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A_____
___________________________=0AFrom: Peter Jeffers <>
=0ATo: Saturday, 9 April, 2011 14:29:40
=0ASubject: RE: Europa-List: place for venturi -in air duct?=0A=0AEuropa-Li
st: place for venturi -in air duct? =0AGraeme,=0AI thought we had left ven
turi=99s in the history books. My experience with them =0Agoes back
to Luscombes and Austers. They were always rather dudious bits of kit =0At
hat only work at all, at reasonably high speeds. That was when they were fi
tted =0Aexternally on the wing L/E or side of the fuselage. In this positi
on they =0Acreate significant drag. =0A=0AAs you intend fitting it/them wit
hin the cooling duct be aware that on the basis =0Aof =98not getting
something for nothing=99 you will be interfering with the engine =0Ac
ooling. Though I have not seen actual pictures of it you will find that the
=0Aflow lines within the air intakes under the engine will be very turbule
nt which =0Awill not be appreciated by a venturi which relies on smooth or
even laminar flow =0Ato work well.=0AI personally think you would be much b
etter off with a new fashioned Vac pump or =0Aall electric/electronic instr
uments.=0AJust my input for further comment.=0A =0A =0A=0A_________________
_______________=0A =0A[mailt] On Behalf Of graeme bird=0ASent:
09 April 2011 13:48=0ATo: Europa-List:
graeme bird" < >=0A=0AI am planing fitting a venturi to
drive a vac AH & DI has anyone any suggestions =0Aas to the best place to p
ut the venturi. I am tempted to put one or two smaller =0Aones in the botto
m of the air duct under the prop as I have a few inches space =0Aunder the
radiators.=0A=0AI am also tempted to ditch the heavy vac instruments and fi
t a trutrak AH/DI=0A=0A--------=0AGraeme Bird=0AG-UMPY=0AMono Classic/XS FW
FD 912ULS/Warp drive FP=0ABuild nearing completion=0A=0A=0A=0A=0ARead this
topic online here:=0A=0A
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