Charlie=0Adid you get yours approved? Francis is playing money games imho!
You might like =0Ato tell Frank if it is approved.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A
=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Frank Mycroft <
>=0ATo: Sunday, 20 March, 2011 11:46:07=0ASubjec
t: Europa-List: Europa Classic fuel filler pipe=0A=0A =0AGraeme=0A =0AI ha
ve just had made and fitted an aluminium filler pipe on my Classic, partly
=0Abecause of the smell, but also because I prefer the filler pipe on top
and =0Adon't want to change to the side filler. My inspector, and anothe
r inspector =0Asaid that they did not think this was a mod but to let Fran
cis know anyway. I =0Adid that and was told that it was a mod, so I have
now got 8 pages of form to =0Afill in and a bill for =A345!=0A =0AHowever F
rancis did say that if it was approved he would clear it on an 'all =0Aair
craft' basis so that other aircraft can use it too without making referenc
e =0Ato him. When I have clearance I will let you (and others through the
Matronics =0Asite) know and give details and a drawing to you and our mod
s rep so that he =0Acan give it to anyone else who wants it. Incidentally
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