Graham and co,
I was thinking in terms if a 4 cylinder Rotax and
Realize your advice pertained to the 6 cylinder
Jabiru and to be able to monitor each cylinder.
(Buenos Aires to Sydney yesterday. Brain is about
Over International dateline, or the Pacific somewhere,
certainly not in my body.)
Tony Renshaw
On 18/04/2011, at 5:17 AM, GRAHAM SINGLETON <>
> Rick
> there's a lot of good experience out there for you to benefit from. (I don
't have much)
> I recommend a good engine monitor with 6 EGTs and 6 CHTs, Mixture distribu
tion is tricky and important.
> Graham
> From: AirEupora <>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, 17 April, 2011 18:41:04
> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Jabiru vs. Rotax
> You are right Kevin. Trying to compare a Jabiru to a Rotax 912 or 914 is l
ike comparing Apples and Oranges. Both taste good.
> The Jabiru will use a little over one gallon more per hour so it will cost
me $5.00 more an hour to operate. If I get to fly 100 hour this coming yea
r it will cost me $500.00 dollars this year over your cost for fuel. I can s
till divide that into the initial cost firewall forward.
> I looked on the web pages today and Rotax 912ULS is 21K plus the cost of f
irewall forward vs. 18K for everything on the Jabiru.
> Rick Stockton
> Read this topic online here:
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