Well put, but with my electric screw gun (non-environmentally correct as
it is not solar) it only takes two minutes.
To others:
If I drop a screw or it gets muggered up, I go to the bag and get
another. Can't do that with cam locks, as the plane requires different
sizes, but they serve their purpose. I have done it both ways, and I
like it simple with screws.
If you want truly custom, which is sometimes what we get to do here, get
complex and wonderful.
Making a car hood to hold shape and the whole cowl only weighing 10
pounds is quite a task. (OK, my painter puts on a lot of paint so it's
15.) A proper car type hood and cowl stiff enough to do the job is
going to be a bit on the cheeky side, but frankly the exercise will
consume a lot of time. But if you have plenty of time, go ahead, just
make sure it meets the structural requirements.. As for hinges, if you
move the intakes and get the sides right you can rework the cowl and
make it happen, but again, the builder will be adding much time for
little convenience. Hinges make a nice clean side to the cowl. But
after a few years, the tinnermans start to wear into the paint, and the
rivets in the hinges start to wiggle a bit so it is six of one and half
dozen of the other.
As far as access, or even heat dissipation, make the two access holes
for the cooling and oil, larger and set the geometry so when opened
they let the heat out after landing so you can check under the hood
easily after a sip of gas and a slug of water while checking the
weather, NOTAMS and filing. Then it is a warm preflight and takeoff
verses a hot one...
Just trying to keep it simple.
Remember light airplanes bounce, heavy ones crash.
----- Original Message -----
From: Karl Heindl<mailto:kheindl@msn.com>
To: europa-list@matronics.com<mailto:europa-list@matronics.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 7:14 AM
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Engine Hoods
I wonder if it would really be a worthwhile project. I once timed the
removal/replacement of the top hood, using a manual screwdriver, and no
rushing. It takes less than 5 minutes. Compare that to all the other
tasks when you want to go flying, and it turns out to be pretty trivial.
And you wouldn't want to do this every time.
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Engine Hoods
> From: tonyrenshaw268@gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 20:48:34 +1000
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Thks Graham,
> I reckon that sounds like a good idea. I have found a removeable pin
MS20001-5 hinge supplier, using a composite hinge and removable pin. I
just think that the curvature of the cowl may prohibit "easy" removal,
therefore defeating the purpose. I can't figure something like camlocks
to undo the cowls, followed by a similar mech to the bonnet to open
> Reg
> TonyR.
> On 19/04/2011, at 8:03 PM, GRAHAM SINGLETON wrote:
> > Tony
> > start from the thought that there is at least 6lb/sq inch pressure
inside it,
> > that adds up to quite a load.
> > You can use hinge (same as a Glasair or RV) down the sides, just
pull the hinge
> > pin out to
> >
> > release. Then camlocks or southco across the firewall
> > Graham
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Tony Renshaw <tonyrenshaw268@gmail.com>
> > To: europa-list@matronics.com
> > Sent: Tuesday, 19 April, 2011 10:13:38
> > Subject: Europa-List: Engine Hoods
> >
> >
> > Gidday,
> > I am wondering if there is any consensus to a way to open up the
lid of the
> > cowl, exposing the engine easily for our birds? To be honest, I am
sure a car
> > style bonnet would be the most ideal, and I am wondering if anyone
has attempted =======