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Re: Europa-List: Warp Drive blades

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Warp Drive blades
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 22:14:58
Carl=0ASounds ideal, can we have them please. I will contact you shortly to
 arrange =0Acollection=0AGraham.=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A______________________
__________=0AFrom: Carlton Pattinson <>=0ATo: Wednesday, 27 April, 2011 9:47:26=0ASubje
ct: RE: Europa-List: Warp Drive blades=0A=0AHi Graham,=0A=0AI have a set wh
ich were damaged in a groundloop 5 years ago. One is OK but other =0Atwo ha
ve damage at the tips - the worst is delaminated for about 6 inches from 
=0Atip but could be repaired.=0A=0ALet me know if you are interested.=0A=0A
==0A>Message Received: Apr 27 2011, 12:20 AM=0A>From: "GRAHAM SINGLETON" 
=0A>To:>Cc: =0A>Subject: Europa-List: Warp Dri
ve blades=0A>=0A>=0A>Has anyone got any damaged but visibly acceptable blad
es? G-YURO is on display =0A>in the Yorkshire Air Museum at Easingwold airf
ield but has a cardboard replica =0A>of a prop installed which looks rather
 unconvincing at the moment. It would be =0A>nice if we could find some scr
ap blades that could be fitted. I have a set of =0A>slightly bent castings 
which I will donate, all we need now is three blades.=0A>Graham=0A>=0A>=0A>
=0A>> =0A>http://www.matronics=
============  =0A

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