Tony=0Ahave you talked to Kingsley? He fitted the Ted Gladstone door struts
, which is a =0Avery good mod but a lot of work. The other mod worth doing
is Mal Maclure's re =0Athe little pips he fitted to latch the door bottom e
dge closed. =0A=0ASimple and it works. Don't bother with a third shoot bolt
.=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Tony R
enshaw <>=0ATo: S
aturday, 30 April, 2011 2:44:57=0ASubject: Europa-List: Doors=0A=0A--> Euro
pa-List message posted by: Tony Renshaw <>=0A=0AGid
day,=0AI am fitting my doors for the first time. I have NOT "snicked" them,
or =0Aattempted to alter their shape before installing the door hardware.
It is in ! =0ASo, after some adjustment to the door hinge tangs to get them
to fit in the =0Arebates I notice my door doesn't fit the fuse. It appears
to be too long aftwise =0Afor the rebate, and also too long in the vertica
l, hitting the bottom of the =0Afuse rebate when pushed home. Has anyone sa
nded the aft vertical edge of a door =0Ato get it to fit, or the bottom edg
e? I hesitate to do this as I know I have a =0Ahistory of taking off stuff
that I shouldn't, and its a real bugger to put back! =0AIs there a strategy
to applying heat to the back vertical door stile to bend it =0Anominally m
ore, and thereby raise it? Any advice on how to fit this up would be =0Aapp
reciated, and I seem to have created a bit of a problem by installing the
=0Ahardware prior to shaping the doors, so most of Buds advice I have alrea
dy =0Afoolishly ignored, or overlooked. Any other takers??=0AReg=0ATony R.