The 20B could be equivalent to 201A (<30gph), the 231 to 201B (<60gph).
A 914 fuel system could exceed 30 gph.
Factory direct:
I installed a matched pair of 231, K-factors stamped on are 025498
(forward) and 025424 (return).
I expect signal frequencies of 200 to 300 Hz.
We shall see.
Jan de Jong
> I already have a 20B, which is a marine sensor, for gasoline engines,
> generally
outboards such as 4 stroke Honda. Spec wise, it seems fine, and I have a feeling
the internals are probably one and the same. Tempted just to get another
one, as they are a little over $100.00 as I recall.
> TR
> On 02/05/2011, at 4:51 AM, Jan de Jong wrote:
>> I intend to make a pair of Model 231 for general (marine) use work for the
>> 914.
>> Total factory direct cost is USD 220.
>> Jan de Jong