Thanks for the info Troy,
There are sure a lot of great techniques out there!
Were the AN bolts cut into fairly short cross sections?
-----Original Message-----
Greg and those interested,
I remember using a trick to line up my flap cross tube hinges so very long
ago. Don't recall every detail but it involved using AN bolts the size that
the hinges pivot on, drilled holes in them lengthwise, the diameter of some
twine or fishing line that was very strong, threading the line through the
hinges and pulling it tight between both the flaps, letting the already
reduxed hinges and spacers align themselves. Pack a good fillet of redux
around the hinge mounts and left it to cure. Maybe you can figure out what
else I did or come up with your own way. The key though was letting the
hinges self align on the wet redux so that the string was absolutely
Troy Maynor
Europa Monowheel Classic #120
96 hours and climbing