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Re: Europa-List: 914 turbo

Subject: Re: Europa-List: 914 turbo
From: Jim Brown <acrojim7534@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 03:41:46
-=0Agarry, this was the only time...I have used a product called Mouse Mi
lk. Its a lubricant for turbines I think. However it is used in application
s where heat is a problem.- Its avaiable at Aircraft Spruce...I used it a
bout every other month, just a squirt on the shaft that the clevis was atta
ched to.=0A=0AFrom: Garry Stout <>=0ATo: "europa-list" <>=0ASent: Friday, June 24, 2011 8
:08 PM=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: 914 turbo=0A=0A=0AJim, how often did you
 experience a stuck waste gate? -Mine used to stick about once per year, 
and was a bugger to free up. -Never did find a solution.=0AGarry=0A=0A=0A
Sent from my iPad=0A=0AOn Jun 24, 2011, at 2:59 PM, Jim Brown <acrojim7534@> wrote:=0A=0A=0AFor you 914 drivers;=0A>=0A>My 914 started showin
g surges in the manifold pressure recently.-On takeoff's, the MP would va
ry from 33" MP to 39"MP. In cruse mode where I normall cruise at 33" MP and
 5300 RPM-I was having to advance the throttle, or retard, in order to ke
ep the MP stable.=0A>=0A>The engine has 860 hours, TT since make a
 long story short, I have added 3 pictures of the servo cable..Over a perio
d of time, some of the wires in the cable, were broken, or just worn out.
-The -clevis on the end of the cable connects directly to the turbo was
tgate, and the worn out cable was just bending, instead of moving the waste
gate...=0A>-=0A>I ordered new cable from Rotax, and installed...Make sure
 when installing new cable, that the wastgate is completely closed..If its 
not completely closed, you will not get full bost on takeoff.=0A>=0A>Jim Br

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