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Europa-List: Europa Club A.G.M. timings for Saturday

Subject: Europa-List: Europa Club A.G.M. timings for Saturday
From: houlihan <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 21:10:56
 *Popham Europa Club International Fly In and AGM, 9-10/7/11 **Club AGM 150
hrs on Saturday 9 July *followed by a Hog Roast

*The BIG one *

*Contact Dave Bosomworth at<>
*A hog roast has been ordered for Saturday after the AGM so all are welcome
to join in the fun and a chance to sample some English TEA (5% ABV) on
Saturday afternoon=85
Camping is allowed on the airfield with space available for tents either
with or without your aircraft (but preferably with!!)
Lets see if we can get over 50 Europas together this year.

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