Duncan=0AI receive you rreplies, my replies to the forum get through howeve
r, I subscribe =0Ato the digest only on the canard.com forum and it doesn't
accept any replies =0Afrom me. It must be something to do with Matt Draile
's system=0AGraham=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom
: Duncan & Ami <ami-mcfadyean@talktalk.net>=0ATo: keithhickling@clear.net.n
z=0ASent: Friday, 8 July, 2011 0:18:54=0ASubject: RE: Europa-List: spam fil
ter=0A=0AMessage =0ADitto me. I gave up trying to post on the forum over
2 years ago. Now I just =0Alurk. =0A=0ABut there's not much new to say tha
t hasn't been said before!=0A =0ADuncan.=0A-----Original Message-----=0A>Fr
om: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com =0A>[mailto:owner-europa-list
-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of keith hickling=0A>Sent: 08 July 2011
00:00=0A>To: europa-list@matronics.com=0A>Subject: Europa-List: spam fi
lter=0A>=0A>=0A>Morning everyone,=0A> =0A>I would like to endorse Ric
hard Lamprey's comments. My emails are also always =0A>blocked by the Barra
cuda spam filter. I have requested unblocking 3 times, =0A>following whi
ch I have had a window of about 12 hours 2 days later when I =0A>could g
et an email through. I'm not sure what the answer is, but at least it
=0A>might help if Matt is aware of the extent of problem.=0A> =0A>If thi
s gets through it will be the first for 2 years, otherwise I will ask
=0A>Tim Ward if he will kindly forward it.=0A> =0A>Regards,=0A> =0A>Keit
h Hickling,=0A>Dunedin9010,=0A>New Zealand.=0A> =0A> =0A>href="htt
//forums.matronics.com">http://forums.matronics.com=0A> href="http://www.
========= =0A