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Europa-List: Araldite 420 A

Subject: Europa-List: Araldite 420 A
From: Peter Timm <>
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 12:50:56
Hi All,

following my recent twisting of the tail-wheel spring-arm I had to 
remove the same from the fuselage, which turned out to be a simple task. 
The Araldite 420 could be softened up in stages with a heat-gun and dug 
out with an old wood chisel. I then pulled out the spring-arm after 
removing the inside bolt, which was bent as well. Straightening out the 
tail-spring required the use of a strong vise as well as a longish piece 
of pipe, but was also fairly easy. I then proceeded to re-assemble 
everything , after proper sanding and cleaning the area, and finally 
used a very small amount of Araldite 420 which I had kept in a small 
glass jar, with a bit of hardener in a small bottle, mixed it well with 
some flox, and applied it 
around the spring where it passes through the hole .  Unfortunately, 
either the Araldite, or the hardener ( more likely) seems to have 
expired , and the glue has not cured and will have to be cleaned out 
Can anyone sell a small amount of Araldite and hardener to me, not more 
than 50g is needed. 
I will, of course, buy a larger amount.

Peter Timm,  C-GIET

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