Wow Raimo, I am glad that you guaranteed the new strobo unit will last
forever, by making it removable. That could have been a continuing series
there, LOL
While being impeccably careful, Murphy pulled a heavy drill bit out of the
(loosening) tightener on my drill, and 'kerplunked' it right into the middle
of the foam-filled tailplane, where it is impossible to remove without
surgery. A hole drilled in the same cavity which is somewhat bigger than the
bit ought to do to get it out, but I don't want to tell Mr (eyes sweeping
left then right).....'M' that ...(shhhh). That was years ago, its still
there .......and he's been laughing at me the whole darn time during the
rest of the build! :) I am glad he can have so much fun. Hopefully the
time he spends with his continuing humor on one project will detract him
---From success on some of the other ones. He does seem to have a lot of
bountiful time on his hands though, so it is probably just futile. heehee
Greg F.
[] On Behalf Of Raimo Toivio
In my case, I have two good examples where Mr M is very succesful and so
far not so succesful:
1) During the building phase, I decided my strobo power unit will last for
ever (that means let us say 1000 flight hours or more). That was inbuilt
inside the fin w/o the access panel and it was glued very hard there. Today,
I have an access panel and there are two power units now: one broken which
is impossible to remove out and one operational one.
Cheers, Raimo Toivio