Dear Hannah (your name is beautiful, may I ask how old ... you
have any flying lisence?)
No it was not. The strip was very short (w wet long grass) and a
sidewind was at uncomfortable level. I triplechecked everything before
takeoff run:
1) prop T.O. & auto
2) 2nd fuel pump on
3) both mags on
4) trim there where I like it to be with that configuration and load and
selected =9Cstick=9D and =9Cfast trim=9D
5) doors locked and pip-pinned
6) loose items secured
7) free controls
8) necessary lights on
9) xpdr on
10) TCAS on
11) no red lights
12) runway seems to be free
During acceleration:
1) engine revs at or near 5800 rpm
2) ASI is alive
During my CS-prop test flight period I tried couple of times what
happens when I do so (leave it on manual during take-off with full
Both times the departure run was quick and engine rpms were after
rotating around 6500 rpm.
Second time I tried it until at 1000 ft QFE.
Rotax was singing smooth and no noticeable problems at all.
I have heard a gossip that Rotax factory accepts this is ok for
=9C a moment =9C but of course they will not publish it.
Do not take this very seriously or literally or at all.
Anyway, I would be not so worried about overrevs with Rotax (912S).
Raimo OH-XRT Finland
From: Tim Ward
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Heavy In-flight Vibration Riddle
Hi Raimo,
Yes I am Tim=99s daughter, Hannah, and my second guess is;
Was the Airmaster Auto/Man switch left on Man for the Take-off?
Tim Ward,
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch 8052
New Zealand
Ph; 03 3515166
Mob; 0210640221
From: Raimo Toivio
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 2:58 AM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Heavy In-flight Vibration Riddle
are you sure you are Hanna or in fact Tim, Hanna=C2=B4s dad (who is
going to try to win desperately the shipment from Finland) ? ;)
If you really are Hanna; you may try 2nd time, because you are a
pilot=C2=B4s daughter.
Please read my first mail once again carefully: I wrote
=9CSoon until well over the ground at altitude +500 feet with full
power and 2nd fuel pump still on ... =9C
Notice also, these words below are really essential info, something
maybe to do with prop/pwr =93settings:
=9CThose minutes were long: I put my prob (Airmaster CS) to manual
and drived it from fine to coarse, tried all the power settings and also
a 2nd fuel filter. Finally I noticed that when prop was in a climb mode
(in my case 5400 rpm /Rotax 912S) and MAP around 20 inches I got quite a
comfortable flying mode and I headed straight home. =9C
One of you is now really close, physically say 50 mm /2" inches.
Cheers, Raimo OH-XRT Finland
From: Tim Ward
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2011 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Heavy In-flight Vibration Riddle
Two thoughts.
Fuel starvation with the fuel pumps not turned on for take off?
Tim daughter
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand.
Ph 64 3 3515166
Mob 0210640221
On 3/10/2011, at 4:58 AM, "Raimo Toivio" <> wrote:
I have got plenty of good guesses via list and also direct.
Some of you have hoped I will not publish them with their names and do
not worry I wont=C2=B4t.
Graham =93 I /we got an empty message from you =93 please
retype it =93 I am sure it will be a good info.
One of you have guessed the problem was because a broken de-icing
rubber in the prop blade. That=C2=B4s good but unfortunately my Europa
is so far still missing de-icing systems totally. They would be soon
very useful in Finland.
No one has so far found a reason for my vibra.
So there are still a possibility to get an Xmas packet from Finland.
I quarantee the shipment will be worth of making a good guess.
- the reason was off /on or black /white =93type and very easy
to repair; it was fixed in seconds.
- when finally found it was not invisible at all.
Go On!
Cheers, Raimo OH-XRT
From: Raimo Toivio
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:44 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Heavy In-flight Vibration Riddle
I have hope-so a nice riddle for you.
Maybe all the answers are useful =93 let=C2=B4s collect them
Yesterday I took off from a very remote /small /windy (90 degrees 12
knots and gusting MUCH) grass strip. Soon until well over the ground at
altitude +500 feet with full power and 2nd fuel pump still on and gears
up I felt suddenly let us say medium or more shake and vibration. My
immediate reaction was to go around and land immediately but abandoned
because wind was so furious and I felt I cannot do that (a succesful
I decided to try to fly to the next possible sensible airfield EFHV
which was 10 minutes apart.
Those minutes were long: I put my prob (Airmaster CS) to manual and
drived it from fine to coarse, tried all the power settings and also a
2nd fuel filter. Finally I noticed that when prop was in a climb mode
(in my case 5400 rpm /Rotax 912S) and MAP around 20 inches I got quite a
comfortable flying mode and I headed straight home. My airspeed was w
that selection about 110 knots but because of a strong headwind GS was
only about 70 knots (wanted to be clearly over the ground at 3000 ft
because it was well over sunset and totally dark, yesterday we got
sunset around 1600 Zulutime and time was well over 1630 when flying).
So, I pushed home one looooong hour. All the aerodynamics were well. I
was a bit worried my engine will separate or so. When trying to push
more pwr it was more vibra and when trying to pull less pwr same. I
Followed a main highway and decided to land there if feeling so. Cars
there with lights are almost like a lighted runway...
Finally landing to the EFTP flawlesly.
Today we had a FHGP (Family Hangar Grill Party). I tried to check my
plane as well as I can. I found something. Very small evidence but
something anyway. I tried to fix it and had a test run. I elected to go
to fly =93 hey I am a test pilot who else =93 and She was
better than ever!
I managed to do 2 touches and goes when C172 did one with same runway.
140 knots during downwind makes me always happy.
So =93 dear Ladies and Gentlemen =93 what was wrong?
It would be nice and very life-useful to hear your opinions or guesses
what was wrong.
The Rules: one single guess per person, please.
The Prize: The Best Guess will get a Very Special Xmas Present from
I will let you know a solution after a week =93 be patient.
Have a nice weekend and
Cheers, Raimo Toivio
Europa XS Mono OH-XRT #417
Updated flight hours /landings: 258,3
37500 Lempaala
p +358-3-3753 777
f +358-3-3753 100