Barry, Just returned from Germany & Czech to find this correspondence. I am
sorry that the UK is almost as difficult as Belgium about home builts, but
at least they don't charge 80 euros for permission!! Since last year the
situation is that you are required to send CAA information on the attached
document by email (address on the document) and get acknowledgement and then
bring Permit, Insurance, & registration documents with you along with a copy
of the CAA acknowledgement document. You are only allowed to stay in UK with
the plane for a maximum of 28 days on any one visit
I will get this info and document onto the Europa Guide to Flying
in Europe, which is on the Europa Club website.
Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ
----- Original Message -----
From: "tennant" <>
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 8:12 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Entry to the UK
> <>
> HELP ! !
> I was hoping to fly to the UK this weekend but I cannot find the required
> info & mail address to send my "Application" to.
> Does anyone have an idea where I can find it.
> It used to be called "Airworthiness notice 52" but the CAA site is such a
> disaster I can't find it again.
> Bl...y Burocrats are going to mess up my weekend again.
> Barry tennant
> --------
> Barry Tennant
> At EDLM - Germany
> Read this topic online here: