Barry, Yes we had a fine trip (Dresden/Prague/Jena) except that homeward
journey on Weds was in the face of strong head winds (max 47kts!!) all the
way with 28kts, gusting 38kts on landing in UK, fortunately only 20 degrees
off runway heading. Belgium requires prior permission for homebuilts and
charges 80+ euros for looking at your papers. Certainly loads of planes fly
---From UK along Belgian coastline to Holland and haven't got shot down, but if
involved in an incident there is scope for them to get nasty with you.
I am in the middle of complaining to the Belgian government and
EASA about it, having refused to pay, and in the hope of bringing them into
line with the rest of Europe. Have you seen the Guide to Flying in Europe
which details which countries demand PPR- copy attached?
Regards, David Joyce, G-XSDJ
----- Original Message -----
From: "tennant" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 4:15 PM
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Entry to the UK
> <>
> Hi David,
> I hope that you had a good trip.
> What is the problem with Belgium?
> I have been in and out of there often and always overfly without any
> problem.
> Barry
> --------
> Barry Tennant
> At EDLM - Germany
> Read this topic online here: