Tony=0Arun the tank breather in 3/8 aluminium from top of tank to just belo
w top of =0Afiller cobra. Then run the in flight breather in 1/4" down to j
ust behind and =0Abelow the flap.=0AMetal is best but needs to be grounded
to prevent static build up. Fuel droplets =0Ain a plastic tube and hi speed
airflow will charge up like raindrops in =0Aa thunderstorm.=0AHappened at
least once that I know of.=0AI've attached a pik, the blue fittings are bul
khead swaged fittings, easiest way =0Ato attach if a bit expensive.=0AGraha
m=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: Frans Veldman <frans@>=0ATo: Tuesday, 18 Octob
er, 2011 12:50:18=0ASubject: Re: Europa-List: Drilling hole in fuel filler>=0A=0AOn 10/18/2011 01:07 PM, Tony Renshaw wrote:=0A> I am about to
drill 1 or 2 holes in the neck of the fuel filler tube, for anti =0A>sypho
n and vent. If I had a T piece ai suppose I could just drill 1 hole, but I
=0A>have seen others with 2, so feel I am safe to follow. I have plastic dr
ill bits =0A>including 3/8", and am wondering about advice in affixing the
black grommets =0A>rubber plug variety as sold by Spruce, with the bsyonet
metal fitting,=0A> . Anyone done this before who can share any advice???=0A
=0AUse 2 holes, you need the top of the fuel filler tube as a "plenum". The
fuel =0Avent from the tank not only releases air during filling, but also
a good deal of =0Afuel. You will want the fuel to return to the tank, and t
he air to escape.=0A=0AAlso, my mistake was to project the opening of the t
ube somewhat in the =0Adirection of the fuel cap. So during filling when th
e tank is almost full, the =0Atube starts spitting out splashes of fuel whi
ch is quite a nuisance.=0A=0AFor securing the metal tubes I used some Arald
ite. It is fuel resistant and =0Aappears to hold very well on the fuel fill